Yushuo Chen

I'm currently a first-year Ph.D. student from Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Yebin Liu. Previously, I received my bachlor's degree at Yao Class, IIIS, advised by Prof. Li Yi.

My research interests lie in Computer Vision and Graphics, especially in the field of digital humans. Currently, I'm focusing on dynamic human modeling and understanding. Feel free to reach out for any topics!

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portrait: makoto @ Rhinz


  • My first paper is accepted by ECCV 2024! Many thanks to all my previous collaborators for their kind helps!


MeshAvatar: Learning High-quality Triangular Human Avatars from Multi-view Videos
Yushuo Chen, Zerong Zheng, Zhe Li, Chao Xu, Yebin Liu
ECCV, 2024
Project Page / Code / arXiv / Video

We present a novel pipeline for learning high-quality triangular human avatars from multi-view videos, enabling direct use to downstream grphical pipelines.

The website template was adapted from Jon Barron.